Toddler Slips Away From Mom At Grocery Store

The words of the popular song ring true: “What the world needs now is love.”

Well, 16-month-old Joey is making sure she does her part to bring a little more love into the world!

The adorable toddler from Little Rock, Arkansas, was filmed walking around the grocery store waving to everyone she came across.



There’s just something about babies that people can’t resist, no matter what sort of mood they may be in. As Joey makes her way across the store, people wave back to her and break into big grins. It’s clear that Joey’s sweet greetings are spreading joy throughout the store.

Toward the end of the short clip, Joey waves to one woman and then goes up to her and gives her a hug. Who knows what that woman was going through at the time, but it seems like Joey just knew that the woman needed a little extra love that day. Their long embrace will melt your heart when you see it.

This video is definitely worth watching and then watching it over and over. It will take just a few minutes and you won’t regret the time spent on it.

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