Woman Pregnant With Four Babies Tells Doctor To Take Them Out Four Weeks Early To Save One’s Life

It is healthy for expecting parents to have a whole range of feelings. Welcoming a new person into the family is exciting and, yet, full of worry over everything. Pregnancy was an especially eventful time for the following prospective parents, Ivanna and David Gutierrez of Miami, Florida. In 2014, Ivanna was expecting quadruplets. But when the doctors told Ivanna that one of her four babies was being starved of nutrients, the mother-to-be opted to have an emergency C-section three months early.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.

Throughout their pregnancy, David and Ivanna diligently learned as much as possible about carrying four children. As they consulted with their doctor and other trusted sources, they learned about the risks of multiple births. Statistics reveal that quadruplets are often born between weeks 28 and 31, as opposed to a full term of 40 weeks, according to Very Well Family.


At their 27-week appointment, as Local 10 News reports, the doctor performed all the routine checks. Unfortunately, their doctor had some sad news to deliver. One of their babies was not getting enough nutrients from the placenta.

The doctor then explained that, if she continued with the pregnancy, one baby would die inside her. Ivanna’s other option was to deliver all four by cesarean section. If she gave birth so early, all of the babies only had a 40 percent chance of surviving, according to CBS Miami.

After hearing their choices, the couple decided there was only one choice they could make. They decided to have a cesarean delivery right away. After all, they couldn’t just wait for one of their precious babies to die.

After Sebastian, Julian, Gabriel, and Francesca were born, the nursing staff began immediately working on little Gabriel. He was in critical condition and needed intensive help. Shortly after he was stabilized, he was sent to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), as you’ll see in the video below.

When Gabriel was in the NICU, his oxygen levels plummeted, his little body was wracked with seizures, and the doctor called his parents in to say their last goodbyes. He was even baptized.

Doctors still don’t have an explanation for what happened next. Instead of dying, Gabriel’s oxygen levels increased, and he gained weight. After four months and 20 days in the NICU, Gabriel was healthy enough to go home with his family.

What do you think about this incredible story of survival? Let us know and pass the video on to fellow friends and family.

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