Young Boy Melts Hearts As He Sings To Baby Sister

Back in 2016, a little boy melted hearts all over the Internet with his sweet singing to his baby sister.

Having a second child can be exciting as both you and your partner have the chance to relive the joys of parenthood all over again. Of course, you may feel a bit anxious because you already have another child waiting at home.

Several worries may cross your mind as you wonder how your first child will react to finally having a sibling. There is one question that plenty of parents ponder as they are preparing to bring another child home.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 🙂

Of course, this question isn’t easy to answer. It depends mainly on the personality of your firstborn and your ability to love both children equally. Parents hope that their firstborn child will become a loving, older sibling and, most importantly, friend towards the new baby. With all the horror stories of older siblings throwing tantrums and being mean towards the family’s new addition, a parent may hope that their firstborn will act differently.

One family hoped this would not be the case when they brought their second child home, and thankfully it was not.



Although the older sibling is still young himself, he immediately realizes that he must be loving and gentle with his new sister. He reacts in the most adorable way to his new sister’s presence. He sweetly tells her that he loves her and then begins singing a song he created, especially for her. His sister is captivated by her older brother’s performance, and she never takes her eyes off him, even for a second.

Out of caution, his mother reminds him to be gentle with his new sister, but he definitely does not need a reminder. He begins showing his affection through hand kisses and small hugs. In the video, we can see plenty of toys in the background that he can play with, but he is only interested in his new sister.

Soon, she falls asleep and her older brother is not even confused about why she is sleeping so early. Somehow, he seems like he already knows that babies sleep nearly all the time and he tries to properly cover her with her blanket. He then wishes her good night and stays close by just in case she wakes up again. The entire scene was beautiful and heartwarming.

Younger siblings are often captivated with everything that their older siblings do. They eventually look up to them and attempt to do these things themselves. This also allows older siblings to hone their leadership skills and practice conflict resolution, two important skills to have in life. A positive sibling relationship can have plenty of benefits, while a negative one can result in multiple mental barriers, according to Psychology Today.

Thankfully, these two siblings already have a wonderful relationship.

Do you have a good relationship with your sibling? Be sure to ask your friends and tell us about your sibling experiences! We would love to hear all about them

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