Young Couple Happily Welcomes Identical Twin Girls 6 Years After Being Blessed with Twin Boys

Having another set of twins after another happens only in one in every 111,000 pregnancies. Do not count them lucky, count them blessed and double it!

Erin and Jake Credo could not believe that after six years of having twin boys, God would give them another twin and this time, it would be twin girls.

For their two boys, they needed assistance because Erin was having a hard time conceiving. But by the grace of God, they had their two boys, Cooper and Grant. As for their new twin girls, they came totally as a surprise as they didn’t need any more assistance.

During the sonogram before the birth of the twin girls, Erin sent Jake a photo. The husband became confused and asked if she sent the sonogram photos of Cooper and Grant. To this, Erin replied, “Nᴏpe. Rᴏund twᴏ.”

Erin said that she was not entirely sure she would be able to handle another pregnancy, let alone twins. But as they are now born, she is still in disbelief. When she sent the photo to her husband, he was very excited. They were having twins again and they were quite prepared for them because it was all they knew what to do, after all.

The one in 111,000 statistics is like out of every 8,000 babies born at the Woman’s Hospital each year, they would only see one in every fifteen years. It was truly a once in a lifetime happening.

When the twin girls were born, they had to spend a few days in the NICU but they eventually were able to go home. When they got home, Erin said that the big brothers are always snuggling and caring for their sisters. She added, “The bᴏnd between identical twins is unlike any ᴏther cᴏnnectiᴏn.”



Psalm 127:4-5 says, “Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.”

This is why children are blessings because they don’t just bring joy and hope to the family, in due time, they will also become persons you can rely on. So, as parents, we must strive to hone each child and bring them up in the discipline of the Lord. As parents are taught, we must teach them the ways of the Lord while they are young and when they are they will not depart from it.

Jesus gives special attention to children and even calls his followers to emulate their faith and trust. What he meant was that we should not have any pride before God, but rather, we must put all our hope in the hands of God. So, even though we don’t see God at a difficult moment, as His children, we must completely trust in Him for everything He does is for the good of those who trust and love him completely.

How can you express your faith and trust in God as His children? Always rely on Him and obey His commands. Then, our Father in heaven will see our good works and reward us accordingly.

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