Cute Baby Girl Has A Hilarious Yet Heart Warming Argument With Daddy

Many girls and women will tell you that being a “Daddy’s Girl” is a real thing. Sometimes, it’s thought of as something negative — that a Daddy’s Girl has to be spoiled or feel entitled. But, while that may be true in some cases, it’s not a hard and fast rule.


Being a Daddy’s Girl can be as simple as a girl having a close bond and relationship with her father. For a dad, it’s a special thing to raise a little girl, and it may be a daunting prospect, especially if it is his first time raising a child. He is sure to feel a massive weight of responsibility for this tiny human. She may start out as an adorable little baby, but she will grow into a precocious young girl and hopefully, a strong confident woman.

Fathers have a significant impact on that.
While women learn a lot from our mothers, our father is the first adult male we have a strong bond and relationship with. Fathers are seen as protectors, especially of little girls, and have a lot to teach us about respect and how we should be treated by the men in our lives. A father can shape a woman’s perception of herself and have an impact on her relationships.


The dad in this video is trying to get an early start with his adorable little girl. She’s too young to talk back yet, which is probably a good thing, but he lays down some of his dating rules anyway. But, like any strong girl, she has plenty to say, even if it’s just baby gibberish. It’s obvious that this father loves his daughter very much and wants the best for her, but he is probably going to have his hands full!

Watch their full “argument” in the video below and please like and share!

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