Identical Twins Were Born Two Hours Apart Despite Having Different Due Dates And Two Different Mothers

Identical Twins Were Born Two Hours Apart Despite Having Different Due Dates And Two Different Mothers

Rachel and Kim Saunders, from Minnesota, USA, welcomed their first sons after giving birth. They shared how they gave birth to a son just two hours apart and joked that they always do everything together.

William ‘Trip’ Saunders Soule was delivered at 11.27pm on July 8 last year, while his cousin Crew Philip Crawford followed at 1.28am on July 9.

They welcomed their children in adjoining rooms at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Bill Bubenicek comforts his wife, Rachael McGeoch while she is in labor at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

“We knew we wanted kids at the same time and ended up pregnant the same month,” they informed their admirers.

The two then collected their luggage and went to the hospital together when they both went into labor at the same time.

Although they are not born to the same father and mother, the babies look very similar. Trip was born with slightly darker hair and smaller than Crew because he was born a few weeks before his due date.


There are other twins expecting at the same time besides Rachel and Kim. Like the couple Brittany and Briana Deane, 34 years old. Met their husbands Josh and Jeremy Salyers in 2017 while attending a festival dedicated to twins.

They are also identical twins pregnant at the same time in August 2020.

Both sets of twins live in the same house in Virginia, USA, while raising their newborn sons.

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